Healthcare News
Study finds reducing children's screen time to just three hours per week improves mental health
A team of psychologists and mental health specialists affiliated with several institutions in Denmark, working with a colleague from the U.K., has found that reducing screen time for children to just three hours per week can result in significant improvements in their mental health.
Sports injuries: Your guide to helping your child heal
Youth sports are important for the development of children and teenagers, but there's no sure way to ensure a youngster doesn't get hurt while competing. That's why it's important for parents to spot and appropriately respond to their children's sports injuries.
How reading helps young children learn about the concept of pain
How reading helps young children learn about the concept of pain
Many children with symptoms of brain injuries and concussions are missing out on vital checks, national study finds
Almost a quarter of US children with symptoms of a brain injury or concussion are not checked for the condition, with younger children particularly likely to be overlooked, a new national study finds.
The problem with seeing young sportspeople as athletes first, children second
Many children will find competitive sport enjoyable and rewarding. But problems can occur when the athletic identity of a young person overshadows their identity as a child. There is a risk that clubs, coaches and parents may treat young people as athletes rather than as children.